Just 4 Kids provides children with a safe, fun experience while offering families a variety of child care options. Through independent exploration, structured activities, and hands-on learning, children develop a variety of skills helpful to kindergarten transition. Our focus is on having fun while enhancing children’s confidence and individual skills.
Just 4 Kids offers:
Whole group activities to develop social skills, both structured play and free choice time.
Introduction of numbers and letter sights/sounds
Hands on experience to further creative learning
Activities to reinforce writing and fine motor skills
Playground and gym activities
Does my child have to turn 3 by a certain date to attend Just 4 Kids?
Children need to turn 3 by September 1 to register for Kids Connection during the school year. Children age three, currently in the Just 4 Kids program, may register for summer care.
What are the hours of operation?
Kids Connection is open to families 6:00 am - 6:00 pm
Is Just 4 Kids a Preschool?
Just 4 Kids is not a licensed preschool. Preschool Place 15 is located at Early Childhood Family Center, please contact 763-753-7170 for more information. Just 4 Kids offers a planned curriculum structured to develop and reinforce Kindergarten readiness skills.
Will Just 4 Kids bus my child to Preschool Place 15? What is the cost of transportation?
Yes. Transportation from Just 4 Kids to Preschool Place 15 will is provided at no additional cost. Students must attend Just 4 Kids before and after Preschool.
If my school age child attends Kids Connection at Cedar Creek Elementary School or East Bethel Elementary School can I bring my 3-5 year old to that Kids Connection location?
You may choose to bring both children to your K-5 child’s school location. 3-5 year old children will ride a bus to Early Childhood Family Center at the start of the school day and will return to CCES/EBES at the end of the school day.
Will Just 4 Kids provide lunch or breakfast for my child?
Lunch and breakfast may be purchased through the school district. Prices are TBA. Students will receive a lunch number and parents may place monies in their lunch account. Bag lunches may be brought from home.
Does my child have to nap at Just 4 Kids?
Just 4 Kids does have a 20 minute quiet time each day. During quiet time we play soft music and ask that the children lie down and relax quietly. Children are invited to bring a blanket and/or lovey.
What should my child bring to Just 4 Kids?
We ask that each child bring a change of clothing in a clear zip lock bag to keep on site. Children are also encouraged to bring a blanket or towel for rest. Children are welcome to bring a "lovey" for rest time.